Tuesday, April 9, 2024

back to the house and updates

 10 30 am

1. i have been back to the house since march, and slowly unpacking stuff, new washing machine, new furniture, new air conditioner, new many things

2. completed interview and not sure what happens next, except work on modular assets for the station and resume my advance class

3. and continue applying to game companies

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

tuesday March 2024

 5 pm

some updates

1.  done with the stupid test, it seems that even when you submit something that is done, some idiots have the last say, morons

2.  replied to blitz multimedia and got no responds.

3.  not sure what will happen next but my objective now is to try and complete all proxy mesh for the station

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

some updates

 9 pm

1. so the cleaner came in and cleaned some parts of the house and i have fully moved back in, 5 months every since renovation started, when i returned, i felt like as if i was a teenager all over again when i first moved into this house, it was empty, spacious and plenty of space. there is a new washing machine, new fridge, new toaster, new beds, i get a king size bed and all toilets have an upgrade, a bidet. ouh a new water filter will be installed soon together with some water cleanser from a brand called coway.

2. had a short interview today with a company, they claim that there might be a 2nd interview but i am not expecting anything.

3. been rejected by alot of game companies but i never give up.

4. still working on the avium test, doing weight painting now, i feel i will only complete the idle and wave animation.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

March 2024

 7 pm

some updates

1. had an interview with Avium today, there were very friendly with me and no hostile

2. completed my test with the gang but result was not what i expected.

3.  renovation is complete and i can move back slowly.

Saturday, March 2, 2024

March 2024

 9 33 pm

some updates

1. here we are, it's already March, renovation for the house is completed and i am slowly moving things back

2. i have an interview next tuesday, i have just submitted my game art test, and received news for more interviews.

3. have not decided how i want to progress with the station yet, but when i do, i better make more progress.

4. i also signed up for virtuous environment art induction but i don't expect anything, not even a reply

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Feb 2024

 5 11 am

some updates

1. got an invitation to some interview, but i still have not replied yet,now i am the asshole

2. lemonsky fucked me again

3. studying and revision for Advance Japanese 12

4. slow progress on the station.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

CNY 2024

 6 22 am

here are some updates

1. House renovation has made little progress but replaced most things at home

2. kok foo is at penang, shou yee has gone off somewhere, now i have 2 houses to keep an eye on

3. Japanese classes are on break until NY holliday is over

4. still no interview with game companies and Double eleven rejected me, fuckers

5. recently applied to General Arcade and they just bloody ignored me, assholes!