Saturday, December 19, 2020

December and so fucked

 9 52 pm

okay this summary i will really make it short

1. so there is this girl, her name is allison, was nice to me, works at hazukido and all i asked is her number and she disappears after that, probably never wants to be seen again or heard again and she wants to avoid me. and you know what? i got a feeling i am so screwed, am i really that unfortunate with any girl? what the hell (alissa i am just wondering, why didn't you just give me a fake number or say no, i am okay with rejection)

2. Just did my 2nd exam today after failing, don't know what will happen next.

3. if i see thalissa again i will try and ask her number and i will also ask if she is comfortable giving out her number at all, i had to ask for mee lin's number because she asked about the family bussiness so i gave her the details and told her about what the bussiness is all about. thinkign if i shoudl even ask for her number without scaring her.

4. so much for wishing to get a girl huh

i guess that's it for now.