Sunday, July 31, 2022

last day of July

 11 40 pm

here are some latest updates

1. July is over soon and august is about to start, my training ends in august 19th and kelvin mentions GAC007 is the last and final assignment before we all say our goodbyes and never see each other again. i want to thank kelvin and johannes for being patient through this training. and Virtuos games for even accepting any of us, and i have a day off tomorrow.

2. parked my car at the designated spot for an entire week and no entitled asshole have confronted me so far, not even the MBSJ gave me a ticket.

3. watched Dune miniseries during the weekend.

4. did some shopping for the house, filled the car petrol, adjust my touch and go card. probably do more shopping tomorrow.

5. almost 3 months is about to pass and i think i will return to my normal life after 19th august.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

July 2022

 5 40 pm

here is the latest updates

1. submitted the container, pot and crate despite the fact that some of it looked so messed up and i didn't know how to solve it. i am parking the car tomorrow and hopefully i won't get a fine or some stupid entitled asshole puts some sign on my dashboard.

2. mom is going back penang tomorrow, so i will managed on my own for 2 weeks or longer.

3. still in training until august 19th.

4. went back to ICLS and there is still no japanese class for advance 14, then met catherine

I have no idea what will happen in the future, but i am certain about 1 thing, when the VIP is finished, and mom asks for help, i will help out the family bussiness when i can and finish up the shrine.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

9 46 am July 2022

 9 46 am

here are some latest updates

1. it's public holliday, some i get extra 1 time off.

2. bought some learning materials online around 6 USD, wil learn more about trim sheets and other stuffs.

3. Decided i will continue and complete the shrine after 19th August.

4. will do some shopping today.

Friday, July 1, 2022

first allowance

 7 54 am

some updates

1. received my first allowance from Virtuos and have to say MYR 1630 is alot for a trainee, all i know is there is 2 months of training left then i will have to leave this place. Almost completed the explosive barrel but figured i would re-do it, trying to complete the wooden barrel, will try to do johannes assignment as much as i can.

2. will do some small shopping today and probably some house cleaning.

3. will also try to enjoy the weekend while it lasts.