Thursday, May 26, 2022


 8 57 pm

some latest updates.

1. Virtuous selected me to be part of their VIP (Virtuos Induction Programme), i received the training contract and read it over many times just to make sure i understand contents. Mom thinks it's a scam, i shared that information with others also. I already had an offer from AppAsia and yet i made a foolish choice like this, i could be having a job by now and earning a salary when i decide to do something foolish and attend game art training again and not have employment after that. Am i messing up again? to tell the truth i really don't know why i did that, i have no idea what i am doing. So i arrive at their office on monday and what happens next? they tell me 3 months will finish quickly, maybe they are right, maybe 3 months will be over fast and after training i will be doing nothing again.

2. have to do some shopping also just prepare for weeks ahead.

3. had a long time reunion with foo because he is back from australia to renew his passport and about time too, we almost don't get to have this occasions anymore. almost everyone is married and starting families. I showed foo the chick i am dating, he thinks i should not doubt myself and just go for it.

4. after doing some house cleaning, I am starting to understand what mom means by "it was a wake up call for her" after dad's funeral was over, she had to work to support all 3 of us that are still around. For many years mom was doing this to make sure me and che and mom stay alive, and she really did make sure we all stayed alive. I'm just trying not to mess up that's all.

5. i lived to be 30's now and I still feed like i am really stupid haihz

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